Return labels
This missing label issue has been going on for awhile as I just went through items I’ve purchased ( that I kept ) and indeed the return labels are BLANK. In fact, I called TODAY because I had a defective item & the representative seemed oblivious to this issue. She apologized & sent a return label to my email. Unfortunately, like one other person said, I don’t have the capability to print it out here at my home & will have to try doing it where I work. I have ordered from hsn since they began. This is sad as I feel it’s not up to their standards from years ago.
I agree with you in regard to the “no return label.” i do have a printer and can print my own but the fact that this is just another elimination of something that worked is really frustrating with HSN and QVC Another pet peeve: Why is the price you paid for the item no longer on the invoice? I maybe get one price on an invoice out of every 15. I keep getting more and more frustrated especially when I scroll through the stations and hear those hosts! With the exception of the original hosts (the few who are still there) I just scroll even faster because I truly and honestly cannot stand to hear them or look at them. I feel badly saying that but their voices are like chalk on a blackboard if anyone can remember what chalk and blackboard is. I am so glad I’ve found other online shopping outlets. The quality and styles that are now shown on HSN and QVC are really sad. I still long for the former real designers who I looked forward to seeing and their designs. How much DG2 or Susan (what’s her name) can you own? Everything looks the same. Ugh.
HSN is certainly not what it used to be. It is so foolish to treat their customers the way they do. There are so many better options out there now to be able to buy from. Bargain basement quality, expensive merchandise, annoying hosts, interest rate hike on Synchrony Bank card, difficult and expensive returns, and the list goes on and on. These are just some of the reasons I no longer shop here.
I have noticed also the problem with missing return labels. It is not consistent though, some do and some don’t. I also noticed they rarely offer the shipped option with UPS label also (usually on larger shipments with $$ they can). I also do not have access to a printer. This leaves me scrambling to another option.
BUT I have saved through the years my packing slips so I find an older address label (address still correct) and use them. I use the UPS return past labels when I am returning more expensive items like jewelry as I return multiple items at same time to save on shipping deduction as I Do Not trust USPS. -
Hi dragonfruitforme; Hi justwanthelp; Hi Bonzo; Hi mssilver; Hi californiagold… 🌺🌈🦋 Happy Spring TO YOU ALL! I didn’t mean to leave y’all out when I replied, lol. And, I AGREE w/you all about the ‘no EZ labels’ RARELY being included anymore… NOT everyone HAS a printer OR easy ACCESS to one… Can DEF do WITHOUT ADDED HARDSHIPS! MY BEST TO YOU ALL 🤗❤️
@delraylaw — my invoices look like someone actually REMOVED the labels. I mean, there’s a big blank area where the label USED to be! It looks so strange 😲. The invoice tells you all about the convenient label, so I’m wondering who the heck pulled it off and threw it away? Did higher-ups tell them to remove the labels? Or is this something the shipping department decided to do on their own, so they don’t have to deal with a bunch of returns? I suspect something fishy, because we’ve ALWAYS had return labels for YEARS. Happy Spring to you too!💐🌹💐
Hi justwanthelp-OMG, I’ve received invoices SAME WAY-like someone ‘purposely’ peeled off?! WEIRD HUH?! Here’s one for ya… Received HSN Box of ordered items-AND (2) THAT WERE NOT- the real kicker… THEY ARE QVC (only) ITEMS-haha. Looked ‘em up-OVER $100!!! OF COURSE I WILL RETURN! Just found odd from QVC! Here’s where gets interesting-there WAS an INCLUDED ‘EZ Return Label’… OK GREAT… but when I return QVC items TO HSN, WILL I BE CHARGED? NAH, I WILL CALL HSN’s AWESOME CUSTOMER SERVICE and rectify ALL! I also received an even exchange item TWICE (w/only (1) charge-the original QVC exchanged item). CALLED QVC & returned that oversight too! MUST SAY-I’VE HAD MOST EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCES W/BOTH QVC AND HSN lately! THAT… IS MOST APPRECIATED!! But what’s w/the ‘peeled off’ EZ Labels?? Lol, I don’t get it… Anyway-will update… ALWAYS MY BEST🤗❤️
When you receive your order from HSN, the invoice encourages you to use the Easy Return Label, which does NOT EXIST. This is no accident, they KNOW it doesn’t exist. Very bad way to conduct business, showing a lack of pride in the way the company operates. Fortunately for me, I have a computer and a printer, but I know that most people don’t. If your item is very light -weight, it’s cheaper to use the “return on your own” small label at the top of the invoice. Also, most returns can go through UPS and they can create a label for you, if you have the invoice for the item.
Uhhhhh… who the heck is “Bonzo”??? Hahaha SORRY ABOUT THAT TYPO- MY BAD! WAS to read-bobzi 🤪… HAPPY SPRING bobzi (lol)
I am unhappy also with the often missing return labels. For those without access to a printer, it makes what HSN describes as easy returns and exchanges a far from easy situation. I would appreciate someone from HSN explaining why they have decided to change their policy of providing return labels with orders.
My issue with return labels (when I get them!) is that they are often poorly printed and therefore useless. I have had a couple where the zip code was unreadable and I had to make my own labels anyway. Clearly supplying legible return labels is no longer a priority.
I hate that they don’t include return labels like they used to. They just expect everyone has access to a printer. But I don’t have one or live anywhere that I have access to one either. So, it makes returns impossible. It would be nice if we could opt in or out of having return labels shipped with our orders. It has definitely made me shop less with HSN. I just don’t want to get a defective item or simply an item that doesn’t work for me & then not be able to return / exchange it. Without a label you can’t ship an item back. It’s frustrating!
YES, not all of us have printers……it is annoying especially when you are older in your 80’s.
Hi rachel87-🌈🤗🦋 HAPPY SPRING TO YOU! I AGREE! I’m told DIFF “reasons” for NO RETURN LABELS; but what IRKS me is NO INVOICE/RECEIPTS AT ALL (legal?). I PREFER a PAPER TRAIL as DO NOT TRUST computers! ANY techy GENIUS CAN HACK-AND DO!!!!!!! CYBER LAW… a DEF NECESSITY! I LITERALLY take pics of EVERYTHING-to EXTREME!! HAVE DOZENS (plural) pic PROOF of hmm, HACKING (?), for lack of better wording. Not having access to a printer-such a hassle/hardship for so many; HAS to be a BETTER WAY! But for now (me anyway), … I AM TRULY GRATEFUL FOR THE EXCELL HSN CUST SERV I’ve received luckily/THANKFULLY, OF LATE! HOPE this has been your experience(s) too…
HSN (QVC too): FIX label/receipt situation; OFFER BETTER flexpays & s/h (buy more/save more); UP the QUALITY WITH CONSISTENT SIZING (to warrant HIGH CO$T$); then ADD MORE ITEM VARIETY … WOW, GREATNESS ACHIEVED!!! Wishful thinking? … may be, BUT IT’S DOABLE!! Ahh, DARE TO DREAM -smile. My BEST TO YOU🤗❤️
Conversation Info
Posted in Jewelry
14 Replies
06.09.24 5:45 PM
10 Participants