i will be at the Rehab visiting hubby and should be able to play at least one or two games before heading home. It is still very hot and humid in Florida and we have have very little rain. After having the same problem last year, I do not dare to wish anything but a simple rain thing. Hope you are having a great day and will see you soon. Remember to stay hydrated.
HOW TO PLAY HSN’S TRIVIA: Questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade, And begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN….
NOTE; Sometimes a little gremlin will pose a question that requires a number. In those instances it may not accept for example 16. It’s the correct response, but you may need to spell it out: sixteen. Other times there may be a two word answer such as: Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday may need to be written as one word: HappyBirthday. There are also times when the answer is a plural even though the question seems to reflect something that isn’t. However, sometimes it is easier to check this thread for the correct response.🍦🍿😃🌴🍧🍧🎂
Hi all. So sorry about tonight. I was all set to play a game or two, but then I had an allergy attack that came on quite suddenly. Hubby knew what to do, but could not really help since my pills were in my purse. The pain and itch were almost unbearable. Have no idea what caused the sulfite allergy. It took 3 chlortabs and 2 Benadryl to get my face to calm down. Of course all those pills made me sleepy and I awoke around 10:30 pm. I made it home and the head nurse/unit mgr was kind enough to give me his cell number so I could let him know that I arrived home OK.
I have an idea what caused this reaction and it had to be the shrimp I tried at the Farmer’s Market. The shrimp was from Argentina and was delicious. The reaction following, not so good. I took one chlortab in the car and that seemed to head it off. However, there was a second episode and that occurred in hubby’s rehab room. Still on this one, I do not know what caused it and I have gone down the line. I am OK now. However, will ask for an epipen on Monday when I talk to our physician.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend and may your week be full of wonderful whatevers. Hope I will be OK and will join in next week. Please make sure that you are fully hydrated before venturing out And if you are up and about, make sure the water is close at hand. .
ty, goodnight all.
Goodnight Oodiebom thanks for hosting. ✨🌹
Goodnight Trivia Players see you all next week. 😎✨
2007. I couldn’t find it anywhere so I just started typing years starting with 2023 and going backwards.
I did a similar thing Numerate.. I started @ 2000 and worked upward.
ty, I tried so many because I couldn’t remember when I ordered from her!
Hi all. Thought I pop in to say hello. Getting my things together and then will head home. New milestone tOday. Hubby used his legs to get the wheelchair in motion. The receptionist mentioned that he tried to go out the front door. He wanted to go home. How he would have made it the eight miles without transportation is a goog question. LOL.Glad he has started to use both legs . Won’t be long now.
Praise God!
Good Evening drive safe I think it is good news about your husband😎✨
Wonderful news! 😀
Good evening everyone ☺️ Hopefully everyone is keeping cool in this mid July heat.
Hi Xango & Sheba2011.
Good Evening it is raining in OZ. 😎
Oz had some good thunderstorms this afternoon with more coming tonight.
I am a happy camper we were bone dry. ✨✨
Answer to the second question. All one word.
Good Evening Trivia Players✨✨
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
28 Replies
07.15.23 10:33 AM
8 Participants