Hi Oodiebom, I hope you see this. You are certainly carrying more than you should be. I am terribly sorry for your and Mr. Oodie’s problems. I am afraid that you are about to go down the rabbit hole of healthcare legalities. You should if you haven’t already contact an Elder Law Attorney. There are some documents you are going to have to have to protect your Husband and yourself both financially and health wise. You need to be named as his Health Surrogate. Without this if certain people you think are helping you can step in and have one appointed by the Courts. I would stop using the word dementia and say sometimes confused instead. Elder Law Attorneys are good people, they are there to protect you. I wish there were some way we could talk on the phone or email. Please take care of yourself.
Hi Pookie. I did see your post from last night and responded only for it to go “poof.” I realized that I would need an attorney when signing some forms for hubby in a waiting room for his first appointment with an Urologist. Unfortunately, hubby didn’t have his glasses that day and I did not know that I would be completing some needed paperwork. The reason was that I had completed the same thing weeks ago at Rehab. and when I arrived the reception area said they never received it. It was when I returned to the Rehab that I found it was returned. No one knew why and no one informed me. That being said, I have reached out to some friends for help with finding someone with knowledge of “Elder Care.” I also know that there are things that I can do at home for hubby to make his life a bit easier when he is ready. Right now I need to know what is going on with the catheter situation and then next with a knee replacememt. He is not one to be a couch potato and as things have turned out his medication needed to be looked at and changed if necessary. He is now fully awake unless of course, the meals are not edible. and when that happens he is what you may say confused. And this could be a low sugar thing. Otherwise, his memory is intact and the short term one is now beginning to show signs of a return. Enough said. Again I appreciate you reaching out and taking the time to hold my hand and leading me in the right directions. Take care pookie and whatever you do, don’t be a stranger to these boards. Even the younger set can use the advice one way or another as they pursue their dreams and their future.
Hi Oodie, I hope today was a better day for you and your Hubby. You don’t want your friends researching “Elder Care”, you want and need an “Elder Law” Attorney. You can just put Elder Law Attorney’s near me in your search bar and they will pop right up. I know you are under so much pressure and stress and worry, but this is one of the most important things you can do. You have to have everything legal in your life taken care of before Mr. Oodie becomes too confused to legally sign anything.
On a lighter note, tell Mr. Oodie that I tried to pull out my catheter too. With no success. The reason he can’t pull it out is because there is a balloon holding it in place. If he pulls that balloon out through his personal part he could do some damage.
He can be released with the catheter, they just give you a leg bag, it gets strapped to the leg and he’s on his way. No poles to walk around with. I flew across Country with one on twice.
Oodie, he has been in that Rehab for too long, they have done nothing for him but make him worse, and all you are getting is a run around. He needs medical care, and he is not going to get it there., or he would have already.
Talk to you soon, take care. 🎈🎈🎈
Pookie, you have a depth of knowledge here and it’s great you shared it for Oodie.
The so-called rehabs can be a mess and so are the agencies that claim to monitor or inspect them. It’s great Oodie can be there in person and speak to staff and such to let them know she is present. -
Again, Pookie, thanks for changing care to law. That’s a huge difference. I did do a search and only 4 businesses (lawyers offices) showed up. I will try again tomorrow. One is OK and I may contact the firm tomorrow.
Why hubby is still in rehab is probably my fault. He was all set for the big day when he got an infection trying to remove the catheter. This has happened at least 3 times. He completed the antibiotics last week on the last episode. The other problem, which is also important, is his inability to get in or out of bed due to the swelling of the left knee and that leg not able to take any pressure. We had the same problem last year with the right leg, but therapy did help. I did speak with the orthopedist’s assistant and felt that we should complete the tests with Urology and then get the report. This should tell us how things are and what we can do to help hubby go to the bathroom on his own. I have a feeling that the urologist may recommend some kind of therapy for exercise. Then again, I could be wrong. The surgery is in two weeks and we have an appointment with the urologist for the test results. This physician has quite a background. He graduated from the med school in Pa., and from there did residency in Nyc. His learning has not stopped there. He is up to date on the new technology and also has won all kinds of awards. I feel we are in good hands, but also will need a second opinion on any approach that will be needed. He felt from reading the reports from our physician that it could be a prostate thing. Probably too enlarged. If so, he will try medication first. He is not one to rush into surgery. Now, hubby was fine prior to the illness that put him into the hospital for almost two weeks. While a patient, he was able (with help) to go to the bathroom. The next day, he was seen by physical therapy and they felt he was too weak to go to the bathroom and besides there was on one available to help him. They tried an urinol but he found it too cumbersome, so they diapered him. He refused to go and held it. Then because of the A/C we both caught a virus. I was too sick to run to the hospital. It was three weeks before I let someone give me a ride to the Rehab. Hubby was able to use the bathroom for a few weeks before pain set in . He was again able to use the bathroom and was fine, but he shared that area with 3 other people. There were complaints that he took too long and so it was back on the catheter. I gave this info to the urologist. And that’s where we stand today. Now, the next thing I will be doing is contacting our Medical Insurance Company on a number of issues. Before doing so, I may need an attorney who knows the ins and outs of all plans and medicare. Everything seemed all so much easier when we were younger. To think that was
yesterday . And on that note,l I will now say good night. I will keep you posted.
Hi Pookie, Hope you are well. Sage advice to Oodie. Managing care can be tricky.
Hi Taci, you live in California, yes? I still have two friends there. One is in Santa Rosa and the other is in Manhattan Beach. I had always planned to move back out West someday but life has a way of having its way regardless of what we want. I was in charge of health care for my Mother and Father and then my Aunt. Now I am in charge of my cat. He is holding me hostage. Take care Taci. ☺
Pookie, those cats don’t like change so yah, you’re stuck. I’ in SoCa. In the mid-80’s I moved to LA and gradually ended up southward. Haven’t been to Man. Beach since those days but I understand it’s still nice. Are you a west coaster originally then? Where are you now, East Coast?
Take care Pookie and pop in more often.
Hi pookie -LONG TIME NO “CHAT”! -smile. YOU ARE JUST SO SO WONDERFUL-!! EXCELLENT… MOST EXCELLENT ADVICE! The WORLD could use more peeps like YOU to HELP EACH OTHER!!! I remember YOU were the first to give your condolences to me when my Mom passed AND I WILL NEVER-EVER FORGET THAT!! IT MEANT THE WORLD TO ME!! I hope all’s well w/you and yours! Prayers to you. -smile. God Bless You BEAUTIFUL LADY!!
Hi oodie- LONG TIME NO “CHAT” #2! -smile. I don’t really know what’s happening w/you & Hubby-BUT PLZ KNOW YOU ARE “BOTH” IN MY PRAYERS… Wishing you ONLY THE BEST!-YOU SOOO DESERVE IT!! You are ALL OVER THIS FORUM,-ALWAYS giving most HELPFUL advice/how to’s AND hosting Fri Nite Trivia! You really are an INCREDIBLY AWESOME LADY!! I’m often in the shadows (but not so much lately, why I’m unaware of…). Try not to run yourself down. You TAKE CARE BEAUTIFUL LADY! May God shed His Grace on You BOTH!! God Bless You BOTH!!! ❤️
jmc- Hello! my “5ft & Under Club” petite friend!! I tried SOOOO DANG HARD to reply to you (months back on the Arcade thread,) BUT NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES, OVER MANY DAYS/SEVERAL WEEKS, (TO DATE) but for whatever the reason, HSN just WOULD NOT ALLOW MY REPLY! (I’m HOPING “this” works)! I DON’T WANT you to think I ‘snubbed ya’!! I’d NEVER! I hope all’s well w/you also! -smile. I know you’re not finding much “fitting” apparel as HSN never really did have TRUE PETITE sizing-BUT IT’S WAAAY WORSE nowadays!!! I’m sooo glad I was able to STOCK UP on “Skinnygirl” jeans years ago! Paid more BUT THEY FIT (me anyway). G by J sometimes had jeans/bottoms that fit, but was hit or miss (me). And my FAV ‘was’ DG2, but she outsized me YEARS (if not a DECADE) AGO! Her line believes NO ONE (no “Baby Boomer”) is smaller than a 27 waist AND forget about tops! BUT I SO LOVE HER DESIGNS. Kinda a good thing really, her pricing is way TOO MUCH!!! -imHo. Anyway, I DIDN’T FORGET ABOUT YA!!! God Bless You SWEET LADY! =)
Over A DECADE+ here in the Community I’ve made-AND TREASURED-the MANY “Forum Friends” I’ve met! We’ve had SOOO MANY AWESOME “FUN” TIMES!!! I MISS THOSE DAYS-AND-all the “Good FUN Times” we had!!! Along w/the MANY MANY WONDERFUL peeps met here, online, from back in the days when it really was “Fun Here”! ( I forget the exact words used, lol, gettin older… UGH, lol). Too many peeps to list! HELLO TO YOU ALL MY “Forum Friends” of yesteryear! I’ve NOT forgotten y’all either!! ALWAYS WISHING YOU THE VERY BEST in HEALTH AND HAPPINESS AND you’re ALWAYS in my Prayers too!! ESPEC in these times!!! GOD BLESS AND MY BEST TO YOU ALL! ❤️🙏😃❤️
Hi DelrayLaw. So good to see you posting. I am fine. Hanging in there. At least now we have a roof over our heads after the 2 hurricanes. And that reminds me when hubby was first ready to return home the Rehab turned that idea down. Reason was our den was ruined along with the lanai. There were furniture pieces that had to be removed in a hurry. Tons of items I boxed up. Some are still in our great room and others in the Master Bedroom. The roof was sort of completed the beginning of Feb., however there were some problems with the new roof and it took until the middle of April to get that done. Now there are other problems with the lanai and as of yesterday I have someone who will repair what the roofers did not. Most of the lanai will be torn apart because structurally it isn’t sound. We checked out the den area that was also hit and we will be moving additional furniture pieces out so I can do the windows and then gradually put everything back. If hubby was able to return home, a wheelchair/walker would not be able to get through this mess. But beginning tomorrow or Monday, things will change drastically. I am a happy person and thankfully, pookie has given me some great advice. Unfortunately I only found 4 attorneys with knowledge of Elder Law. The one I will need is over an hour away and with the traffic backup on our Interstate, may not be doable. It has taken me over 45 minutes to go 3 miles to Costco (one exit from my on ramp). I even tried the main road to Costco and that road was backed up as well. Reminded me of the bridges on Cape Cod. And to think I will need to use the Interstate when hubby is able to travel. Maybe being where he is, is a good thing. (LOL). Well,l today the water is shut off for a good 4-6 hours due to construction. May be a good idea to use this time to venture out and about. Have a great day and hopefully, you will drop into Trivia to say hi. I hope to be there sometime between 8pm and 9pm give or take a few minutes.
Hi Delray, good to hear from you. You sound like you are doing well. I hope you are. It will never be the same here, all the oldies but goodies are gone or hiding. Love & Laughter are being sent your way.😍
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
11 Replies
05.19.23 3:45 PM
4 Participants