Shipping costs
Please HSN, try some creative ways to save us shipping. Today I wanted to buy all of the colors in G’s TSV but if I did that I would be paying about $21 in shipping. That is prohibitive. Maybe cut shipping if you buy more than one or have a flat fee if you buy more than one of the same thing. Something. I will have to stop buying with all the shipping costs and then pay to return.
Shipping costs are too expensive. When I owned a retail store I would charge 0 for shipping. It was my way of saying Thank You. As far as returns, HSN and QVC must get on the same wagon as Zappos, Nordstroms and yes, Amazon. Those 3 have gotten more of my business since 2020. They understand customer service: both in shipping and timely arrivals.
This is one thing I really wish HSN would bring back. It used to be that if we bought two clothing items (especially the same item) the shipping for the second item would be half price. This makes so much sense since the items would be shipped in the same package and shipping would cost HSN the same amount. I hope VINCP’s suggestion is acted upon.
I completely understand your concern, @vincp, and appreciate you sharing these suggestions with us. Your feedback helps us to enhance your shopping experience. Be sure to sign up for our emails to be the first to see our new promotions and discounts.
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Posted in Fashion
4 Replies
10.01.23 3:00 PM
4 Participants