It is almost time for the first question. For the first timers, here are the directions: The questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm DST depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Hi oodiebom..ddshoppy here..I found Manuka honey at my local Ralphs 8.8ozs $14.00 ,here in socal.Do not see any number to indicate potentcy on the jar.will double check.I had some with pbutter on bread.can’t say I really enjoyed the taste. maybe just use it in my tea🤔
Hi ddshoppy.
Don’t fret on the taste. It is different from what we are used to. It’s just that for some reason it does work on sore throats. I have had wicked sore throats and used the regular honey found on the market shelves and added a teaspoon to hot tea. It sort of soothed the throat, but never got rid of the soreness. A teaspoon of this in hot tea really helps. The higher the number, the more potent it is and the higher number does relieve other symptoms. I have never tried the real high numbers because of the $$. People who have said it worked miracles. Some of the manufacturers have delivered on taste. If you have a Trader Joe’s near you, take a look at the one’s they carry. Also Walmart and Target. HSN even has one as well. Usually the number is on the label. Others include it in the ingredients. I would never had known about this product if I hadn’t been in Homegoods one day and the salesperson came over when she noticed I had a jar in my hand. She raved about it. Said it did wonders. So I bought a jar. I’ve been hooked ever since. They even come in cough drops. However, that did nothing to curb the cough. I imagine that is why you don’t see it anymore.
Thank you for hosting OODIEBOM, a grand hostess you are. Don’t forget to get your rest this weekend.
Good night everyone and enjoy your weekend and still be aware COVID-19 is not over. Take Care and stay safe. -
Good night everyone. Please stay well and be safe. May you have a great weekend and may the week ahead be beautiful even if there is snow or rain in the forecast. Take care. See you next week, same place, same computer, same time. Goodnight and pleasant dreams.
Goodnight and take your meds and sleep well. Thank you for doing an amazing job
as always on Friday Night Trivia. 😘✨Trivia Players have a safe and have some fun weekend. See you all next week. ✨✨
That would be me. 😘😎💕
Sorry some of you had had or have COVID. I haven’t had it yet and hope I don’t get it. It sounds like it can be bad and last a while, Thanks for all the good advice though.
pbjelly, at the time hubby and I had it, there was little knowledge. All I can say is thank goodness the ship we were on had a flat screen TV that brought in CNN and MSNBC. The day we joined the ship I had awaken with a real bad sore throat. Thank goodness the room had tea bags and I had Manuka Honey packed. I immediately made the tea and added honey. Two hours later the sore throat had disappeared completely and I thought whatever I had was over and done with. But that night, I was awakened because my feet were iced cold. There was no feeling and I thought it was the end. But, I awoke the next morning and immediately had the telly on to MSNBC. That happened to be the first symptom they discussed and at that moment I knew I had Covid. That afternoon, hubby started coughing. It sounded like a fog horn. Listening to the TV I knew he had the beginnings of pneumonia. That evening I tried to take the stairs to the Lido deck. It was four flights. Easy, No. I did the first half and was out of breath. I persevered and made it but it took awhile. From then on I took the elevator to bring food to our room. I am not going to tell you how difficult it was to get hubby out of bed to walk the hallway at one in the morning. But we made it. Food tasted horrid, so we had the soup.
Hi debhlynn7, here’s a delicious quick soup to make. I also freeze some to have it handy.
2 Carrots Grated
1 onion diced
2 clove garlic minced
1/2 bunch Italian parsley chopped
2 Tablespoons Butter
2 Tablespoons of Olive oil or any cooking oil
2 Tablespoons flour (all purpose)
2 Cups Cooked chicken pulled apart.
1 liter chicken broth
1 cup hot water
1/2 of Vermicelli pasta
Salt and pepper to taste.
This is one of the easiest soups to make. If it’s to
much to do all in one day. You can do the preparation one day, and make to soup the next day.
In a large pot place oil and butter on medium heat add diced onion stir cooking for 3 minutes. Add grated Carrots cooking 2 minutes, add garlic cook 30 seconds, add flour stirring cook 4 minutes making sure not to burn. You may need to reduce the temperature to medium low.
Add 1 cup hot water stir, scraping the bottom of the pot, side, and making sure all bits and the bottom is clean from the cooked flour. Add chicken broth stir and bring it to a boil. Remove any foam that may come up. Add the Vermicelli pasta, add salt and pepper to taste. Add pulled chicken and cook on med low to bring all the flavors together. Once pasta is cooked add the chopped parsley. I personally add a little cheese like Romano, or Asiago, or Parmesan. And a squeeze of Lemon. You can add items you enjoy.-
Xango, thanks so much; this sounds great. I think doing it 2 days will work better for me. I’m writing it down & then heading to bed. This should do the trick to get me back on my feet. Thanks again! Debbie
1/2 Cup of the pasta
Hi @xango, thank you for the recipe. Is it 1/2 box of vermicelli pasta?
Hi Sanibelsheller, oops its half a Cup
1/2 cup of pasta vermicelli. -
Thank you! 💜💜💜
Yum, xango. I will copy this. It sounds fantastic and so easy.
Hi to all, I just want to say here in Ohio the robins never leave. we see them all winter long.
In Ct. and Ma. they usually leave for a few months and return between January and February. However, the noisy ones, Bluejays, are there all year round.
A Kfactor (UMF) of 16 has a rating equivalent of 570 MGO. I found a chart @ https://newzealandhoneyco.com/pages/mgo-vs-umf-calculator-manuka-honey
Thanks Sanibel. You are one smart person. I would not have known. And, I stand corrected.
I didn’t know either, but the internet did. I love to learn new things. Whether I’ll be able to retain it, is something else. 😀
Come to think of it, the two years we have spent in Florida because of Covid, I do not recall ever seeing a robin. Maybe xango would know.
I haven’t seen any Robin’s, lots of Cardinals in my back yard. They come to dine in the bird feeder.
Supposedly they are in MN year round, but I haven’t a clue what they would eat in winter.
Sanibel, suet is one. Some places like Walmart, Target and Agricultural stores carry a mixture for the winter. Before we drove to Florida as “snowbirds” I used to pick up the bird seed at Christmas Tree Shops, Agway and K-Mart. The bags started at 5 lbs and up to what you could carry without a problem. On real cold days I used to tredge outside with warm water and filled a bird bath so they would have something to drink. Since we have a lake where I live, cannot do that because it brings in all kinds of snakes, rats, etc..
On Amazon, I found Wedderspoon Raw Premium Manuka Honey, KFactor 16, 17.6 Ounce for $28.89 on auto ship or $33.99 non-auto. At my local Target, Wedderspoon Raw Monofloral Manuka Honey KFactor 16 – 8.8oz, for $26.49.
I did not know HSN carried it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Didn’t know Amazon had it or HSN. This will sure beat Jim driving to get it. Son orders from Amazon & I, of course, can go on HSN. Think I have to go to bed now. Won’t make the last questions but thanks so much for your help. Greatly appreciated!!! Bless your hearts. Good night all & God bless you!
Sanibel, in the search engine above, write in Manuka Honey. There are two . The difference in price means there is a difference in ounces. It has free shipping.
It doesn’t say what the k-factor rating is in the description.
I think it says 250 MCO. How that converts to a K factor I do not know. But there are usually 2 numbers. There is one on Amazon that sells for almost $200 and the numbers are over a 1000 something. I’m not saying to purchase it, just mentioning that the higher the number the more potent it is and of course more expensive. Your wholesale clubs also carry it.
I’d be willing to pay $200 for it if it helped me beat this. I’ll research what Sanibel put on. Thanks a million for all your help. I thank God so much for Sheba, Sanibelsheller and you. You have helped me beyond belief. Sorry for posting too much about myself. Will stick to the games & questions in the future but please know you girls have been the greatest friends. A million thank yous! God bless you all! Wish there were a way to post without it taking up so much of this space. I’m sure others would rather I stick to the games & weather. Heading to bed now; have a great evening.
Remember, the higher the number on the label, the more potent it is and of course, more expensive.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
91 Replies
03.26.22 12:03 AM
11 Participants