Well, it may be cold outside, but it is warm in here. Forget about the woes of “old man winter,” and enjoy the evening.
For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Heads up: I have posted an inquiry pertaining to Friday Night Trivia to the Mods. Hopefully, there will be an answer. See you next month.
Oodiebom thank you for hosting and doing such a wonderful job each and every Friday.
Sanibelsheller, thank you for all the answers and catching the questions. Today they came in at kind of an odd timing.
Fbn135 thank you for the very first answer, I hope you are doing well.
Since the country is under a very cold spell, stay warm, prepare for what you may need and stay safe.
Good night everyone, see you next week. -
Goodnight and rest well thank you for doing a great job every Friday on Trivia. ✨😘🌹
Good night to all the Trivia Players and stay safe and warm great job for those who
gave the answers it is appreciated. ✨✨ -
YAY! It’s fun again! Stay warm everyone…pretty soon we will be saying..it’s too hot!
thanks Odie for hosting….you’re the best!“Good night…sleep tight….don’t let the bed bugs bite” 😉😘
The curtain has come down and another night of Trivia has ended. People are giving a standing ovation to Sanibel Shelter and to xango for tonight’s questions and answers. For you in the Northeast, please bundle up. Make sure your flashlights are working just in case. If you are using candles, please make sure that they are in a safe area, away from children, pets and paper and fabric. I hope to see you all here next week which is a new month. Meanwhile, stay safe, wear your masks and continue to practice social distancing. Someday, hopefully, this pandemic will pass and it will just be a memory and a reminder how we were able to get through the bad and sad times together. Until next week, may you have pleasant memories and the sweetest dreams. Good night.
Thanks for hosting Oodiebom.
Everyone be safe & healthy.
Good night
Love that one! Very 🆒️ !!
Do you not remember the song from “Sound of Music”
Let’s start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with – A – B – C
When you sing you begin with DO – RE – MI
DO – RE – MI , DO – RE – MI
The first three notes just happen to be DO – RE – MI
DO – RE – MI
DO – RE – MI – FA – SO – LA – TI…
(Oh let’s see if I can make this easier)
DO – a deer, a female deer
RE – a drop of golden sun
MI – a name, I call myself
FA – a long long way to run
SO – a needle pulling thread
LA – a note to follow SO
TI – a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to do oh oh oh
Doe! – a deer, a female deer
Ray! – a drop of golden sun
Me! – a name I call myself
Far! – a long long way to run
So! – a needle pulling thread
La! – a note to follow SO
Tea – a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do!
A deer, a female deer
RE, a drop of golden sun
MI, a name, I call myself
FA, a long long way to run
SO, a needle pulling thread
LA, a note to follow SO
TI, a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do…
DO – RE – MI – FA – SO – LA – TI – DO! – SO – DO! -
And a One and a two and a …..you go girl!!
Female deer called
A Male deer 8s called a stag or a buck. What is a female deer called.?
Thx sanibel ..you are catching all the questions..and giving answers!!😘
It’s winter wonderland here in northeast MD. All is blanketed in white. It does look pretty, but I’ve seen plenty in my lifetime. It’s so quiet with no planes & no traffic. That part I love!🌨🌬☃️❄⛄
DEFG, I really miss seeing the snow fall. I used to sit in my den and watch it. So mesmerizing. So quiet. And ever so gently does it fall. Used to enjoy the sleigh rides as a young kid. I know you must be getting tired of the cold, wintry blasts. However, at this time I can honestly say, stay where you are. Florida is going to get mighty cold over the next few days. However, there is a warm up coming in the middle of the week when temps could be in the 70s and the 80s not far behind.
Hmm……Aren’t you supposed to be seeing a blizzard, or is that only from New York City and North. I do recall that wind gusts could be over 80 mph.
Sometimes the heavy snow misses us, which is just fine with me. I leave out food for the stray & feral cats, & when it was snowing heavy around 9pm, the big brown feral did not miss his meal.😺😸😽 (We have automatic lights that come on when they get near the food dish.)
How do you post the answers? I’ve tried them all to no avail!
Put the answer “friday” right over the baseball question,the arcade will tell you the answer is correct.
Msjb. To post the answers you need to go into the Arcade. From there go to the Rewards Store. The question, in this case, pertaining to Baseball’s spring training. To the right of the question is Answer. Mouse on the answer and that will bring down an area where you type in the answer. Even though the question may not be posted on this page, answer the correct one anyway. It should take as long as it is before the 30 minutes are up.
Thank you! I got Friday in on time>
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
89 Replies
01.29.22 9:52 PM
13 Participants