“Let There Be Peace On Earth (Let It Begin With Me)”
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be
With god as our father
Brothers all are we
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony
Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow
To take each moment and live
Each moment in peace eternally
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Oh, I’m so mad! I forgot to do trivia. I can’t believe they actually had questions and I missed it. Happy New Year to all of you! Hope you have a great day and year.
Hi pbjelly. Let’s hope they have a game Friday , January 7th. Happy and HEALTHY New Year to you as well.😀😀
Goodnight all ..stay well in 2022!😁🎆
Also condolences to DEFG on your sister’s passing.These last two years have weighed more heavily on some of us.Here’s to a 2022 with lots of good news! ;^) 🙏
Thanks so much, ddshoppy.😘
Good Night everyone, Happy New Year. Thank you OODIEBOM for hosting tonight.
See you all in 2022, be safe. -
Heads up Everyone. Tonight is a bit different. I will be here until midnight or so. If you wish, you can leave posts. As always, we keep the Trivia page opened for at least a week so if there are problems or concerns you can post here.
For those of you who are hitting the sack before Midnight, I wish you a Healthy New Year. I have no resolutions for this year since I tend to forget them hours later. May 2022 bring us good news and the best one will be the ending of this pandemic so we can finally get on with our lives and greet the people we have not seen in over a year or so. Tonight we had four questions. but one was a dud. 600 tickets for the evening is not bad. It was in fact a great start and hopefully, in the New Year, Trivia will be up and running. Take care everyone. Remember to wear your masks while out and about. Keep your hands clean and don’t forget to practice social distancing.
Thanks for the answers astronerd and welcome to Trivia. Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year.
Goodnight and Happy New Year thank you for being a great Host. ✨😎
Trivia Players Happy New Year and all the best see you next year. 😜✨
Thank you for hosting our New Years Eve party Oodiebom.
Wishing a Happy & Healthy New Years to all.
I also stopped by to wish everyone a Happy New Year !!! I’ve got almost a foot snow on the ground after enduring about 12 hours of super scary wind yesterday. Please keep Colorado in your thoughts.
Happy Dragon, you have been missed. Wishing you and yours a very Healthy and Happy New Year. Colorado is in my prayers and hoping that the snow that fell will help in quelling those fires. Please take care of yourself and be safe.
That is so sweet Oodie! I totally forgot it was Friday this week and last. I hope you have been well and that you have a healthy and happy 2022. Hugs, HD
My entire family including my mom live in Boulder, Colorado not far from Superior, Colorado
and they can smell all the smoke there. So Colorado is very much in my prayers.Good to see you and please be safe Happy New Year. 😘✨ I also have a niece who just lost her father
have Covid so goodbye 2021. Take a long walk off a short pier. 😜✨Happy New Year Happydragon. 😘✨
I wish I could add all of the cool graphics to my post too-I am on my tablet and am having operator errors-so just pretend they are here. Hey Oodie!
Wow. I live straight south of them. Just south of 6th avenue. It has been insane.
I sure do hope the snow will help. How are you? I did great on all my check-up
for the Breast Cancer I only have to see the Oncology doctor twice a year.I am hoping you are doing well. 😘✨😎
I’m right there with you. Just got a clear mammo last month. I’m so happy to hear that Sheba! Sorry to pop on here so late but I totally forgot it was friday night.
Ok, now you are just showing off. (With the graphics)
I do the images in my sleep but there is nothing like a clean bill of health. 😘✨😎
..and peace of mind. Nothing can compare to it.
So true. I’m sorry about your niece’s father. I am still masking everywhere. N95. I got my booster in Sept. I am only leaving my home to walk my dog. I don’t go anywhere. Which is absolutely doable for me to avoid even a ‘mild’ case. Keep yourself safe. Until next time.
just stopped by to wish everyone a “Happy New Year!!” cheers to yall 🥂💋🥂🥳
Happy New Year to you, BootCrazy!!🎇✨🎆🎈🍾
Hey Boot may you also have a great 2022, Hope the New Year will bring good health and a goodbye to Covid.
Cheers to you too in Texas. ✨😜😎
And Super HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, Sheba!!🎇✨🎆🎈🐶🐱🍾
Surely 2020 will be better & healthier?!!🤞🙏🙌 -
Yes I do hope 2022 will be better. ✨I have left you many posts wishing you Happy New Year.
May it be a great one. ✨✨ -
Yes. I saw them last night. Thanks so much!! It’s all I can do to keep up with a few private forums & Nextdoor & this one. Look how many peeps showed up here tonight! We are not in total lockdown here, but probably would fare better if we were. We only leave the house for doctor’s appointments and food.
Happy New Year!!☕🍶🍷🍸🍹🍻🥂🥃🍾
It’s a heat wave of 48 degrees in NYC, NY. I’m jealous!
Baseball..yes we know that one🙄
tried tons, kgs and even pieces. nothing has worked
baileyginger, thank you for trying. We are all in the same boat. At least we had a few questions tonight and they were unquestionably difficult to say the least. I am not complaining because it has been a long, long, long, time since we had anything. And to think that Spring training is just 6 or 7 weeks away.
A happy and healthy New Year to you and yours. Welcome to Friday night Trivia.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
109 Replies
01.03.22 6:22 PM
16 Participants