Disgruntled QVC forum members form Pro Forum site in revolt
I checked it out. Not good.
Too bad, so sad, you and others knew the rules when you signed up and that goes for the previous board too. Sneaky, sly, racist, backhanded topics introduced, and the posters knew what they were doing. If you brought up the Duchess of Sussex’ lipstick, it would soon turn nasty, as the poster intended. Well, the day of reckoning has come and the worst of the worst can’t stand it. I’m laughing my head off. Stay away from Sex, Politics, and Religion and talk about the company who forums you use for free.
It sounds like the perfect place for you, KayKay! Baseless charges of racism are allowed, but the topic of proper use of titles is not. Enjoy!
Absolutely not, I’m not into hateful rhetoric, veiled innuendo and plain nastiness. Racism ? Who mentioned that but you? The Powers That be in the Palace and some family matters treated Fergie the same way. Her husband is a cad before, during and after marriage, but the British press focussed on her instead of Koo Starks Lothario. Remember her? He didn’t get the nic name of “Randy Andy “for nothing. The press then focussed negatively on Kate, calling her, “do nothing Kate.” William cheated on her all the years they lived together before marriage and during marriage. Kate and her mom wanted her to be a princess, and they got their wish. Yesterday, Twitter trends with #Williamthe cheater, after the palace woke up, they changed the hashtag to, #William. No, SunandSea, this has nothing to do with racism, just throwing people under the bus to protect the Royal family.
Who mentioned racism? Here is what you posted: “Sneaky, sly, racist, backhanded topics introduced. . .” YOU mentioned it as a way to cast the discussion of improper use of titles as illegitimate and actually motivated by racism. Markle used her title multiple times when lobbying members of Congress. That is the issue. As for the rest, I cannot fathom what your point is or how you know that William has cheated on his wife.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you read? The same way you know about “Liberal Media” is the same way millions of people know about Williams affairs. He’s a playboy like his daddy and Uncle. If you were a part of the original QVC board, you would know about all of the affairs. Psst, they’re photographs and flight logs to substantiate William fooling around with Kate’s bestie. Have a good weekend, stay home, wear a mask if you go out and get the vaccines. Have a happy.
KayKay wrote: “Psst, they’re photographs and flight logs to substantiate William fooling around with Kate’s bestie.. They’re means “they are.”
KayKay also wrote: “Have a good weekend, stay home, wear a mask if you go out and get the vaccines.” You have an awfully simplistic view of the world. Your comment reflects a belief that more conservative Americans wouldn’t do those things. You’ve bought into stereotyping that is not supported by reality.
I saw info about that place on here and signed up. You have to create an account to see the forum. Indeed, the moderators crack the whip constantly and won’t allow any real discussion of any kind.
Someone mentioned Meghan Markle’s use of her royal title for blatantly political activities, which is a no-no for royals. The moderator said you can’t talk about politics and so cannot even mention this issue. She did not object to an abusive reply accusing the poster of racism for bringing up the topic. That moderator is on a ridiculously huge ego trip. In general, the moderation over there, IMO, is extremely biased, with people they agree with given leeway and those who don’t share their views not even allowed to discuss things that should be within the guidelines.
It’s a boring place because the moderators are strangling even the most minute attempts to discuss anything of substance. I quickly deleted my account, as I’m sure many others have as well.
Some QVC forum members have reported ProBoard moderators are authoritarian, parental, oft-times nasty toned moderators. Some of whom seem to have let a little power go to their heads. Moreover, the moderators appear to be a closed set of like minds. They are quick to pass judgement on members who question the moderation, issue warnings and ban members unfairly. One of the ProBoard moderators is well know on the QVC forums as being a former member of QVC forums with a reputation of being rude and dismissive to others. There was a recent thread over at the QVC Community Chat forum that supports that negative opinion of their moderators/moderation.
Yes, King. The moderators are Leftists who cannot abide a diversity of opinion. In the example I gave in my post above, the issue was the proper use of British royal titles, NOT politics, but the moderator falsely claimed it would be discussing politics. They manipulate the rules to control what is said there so that only their viewpoints are represented. Soon enough, they will be talking to themselves–if they aren’t already.
Leftists, as you call them, are open minded. Stop being so full of yourself.
I didn’t want google to have all my information so I shied away from the pro forum site (google owned). So why are they in revolt? What is going on? It is kinda nice that the QVC forum has slowed down a bit. This forum is much slower and I forget to check it. Anyway, glad you are over here now.
An interesting question is whether that moderator would have deemed her own comment about how she’d never buy those expensive items political if someone else had posted something comparable and she disagreed.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
13 Replies
12.31.21 8:47 PM
5 Participants