For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Eye, think you are right FBN. Well, another evening has come and gone. May all the ghosts and goblins enjoy Halloween and may all stay safe. This month has flown by and a new one wiil be upon us. Stay safe. Be well. Pleasant dreams. Good night all. See ya in November. Oh, and before I forget to set your clocks back an hour before going to bed Saturday night. An extra hour of shut eye is good for better health.
CORRECTION: I am literally a week ahead of myself. Do not set your clocks back an hour tonight. I repeat, DO NOT SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK AN HOUR. This happens next Sunday morning at 2 AM..
Goodnight and thank you for hosting as always. 😘✨😎
Goodnight Trivia Players it was fun just hanging out. 😎✨ Be safe and enjoy your
nice Halloween Weekend. 😎✨ -
Still trying to get used to the early change in daylight to evening which happens so-oo fast this time of year. Happy Halloween to all and have a safe and happy week.
Thanks to Oodiebom for hosting and also to fbn and Sheba for your fun contributions. 🥰
Good night everyone, have a safe and happy weekend celebrating Halloween.
Thank you Oodiebom for hosting. Stay safe.-
Goodnight, xango. I posted something in reply from your earlier post.
FBN135, Soooooo Cute, and a Happy Holloween to you too.
FBN—–sooooooooooo cute
Spiced Run, I’ll take one.😋😋😋
Attended a Laundry Camp by Patric Richardson. He is really entertaining. He has a show on Discovery + and I think HGTV. He has a really different approach to doing laundry. He has a store at the Mall of America and a book out called Laundry Love. I never thought 2 hours could go by so fast when talking about Laundry.
He has been on some of the national talk shows, like Kelly & Ryan.
Here Trivia Players help yourself. 😜✨😎 Warning: No driving. 😜😘
@ddshoppy please join us you are missed. 😘✨🌹
Party Time and Happy Halloween Weekend stay warm out there. 😘✨
Happy Halloween ✨😜
Mummy confusion.
This is my neighbor down the street. 😜 No worries Poppy will take care of her. 😎✨
So fun–and also love Ray Bolger! 👠 🦁 🏰💂♂️🐒
Enjoy this Halloween Weekend. 😘✨😎
Just doing the pics and playing games in the Arcade we are cold in OZ.
Love this! As for the games, I have become suddenly addicted to Landing Party, lol!
Oh, I don’t envy you the cold, cold weather there. Try to stay warm and safely cuddled up, and enjoy the Halloween spirit.
👻 😱 👀 🎃 -
Ray Bolger I miss you. ✨😎
You are so welcome. ✨
Just having a little fun drink anyone? 😎✨
Feel free to take what you want. I am just posting until a question comes up. 😎✨
Medicare enrollment time again. My county only has 43 providers to pick from, each with their own different options. 😳
Hi Sanibelsheller, how are you? I ‘ve been watching lots of Hallmark channel movies, mostly Christmas movies. And they have bombarded the waves with commercials for open-enrollment.
Every channel is Medicare ads. Gets old really fast.
Hello to all. I don’t even check trivia anymore, just here to socialize a bit while I play the other games. Trivia followers is an apt description, Sanibel, and thanks for logging us in earlier. Glad to see all y’all here today!
Hi Rosatowwen, how are you…..my body tells me my age every morning and then some.
Hi, xango. I know what you mean. I woke up last Friday with severe cloudiness in my right eye. It happened so suddenly and scared me to death. Rushed to see my doctor, whom I haven’t met before so she could refer me to the eye specialist. So it was cataracts and surgery is forthcoming–a somewhat simple fix, thank goodness, and something old people have to deal with. I hope you are doing ok.
Trick or Treat 😜✨
Good Evening to you Rosa Towwen. I surmise there will be a game someday. No worries. As long as they have a question in the area where Trivia is supposed to be, tells me it will happen. Hope you had a nice week.
Hi, Oodiebom. I had a hectic week with a trip to the doctor for a referral and then to an eye specialist. Woke up last Friday not being able to see out of my right eye–it was all cloudy. Thank goodness my left eye was fine, but it was scary. The ophthalmologist said it was cataracts and surgery will be scheduled soon–outpatient and fairly simple. At age 70, this is not a big shock, but it happened really fast. How is it going with you?
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
53 Replies
10.31.21 1:07 AM
6 Participants