Before we begin our game tonight, (if there is one), I would like to thank Sanibel for her post last week concerning a Trivia Question that no one in Community had seen. It was on HSN TV and of course was not posted in the Rewards
Store. Also a shout out to Angela who seems to be trying to get our game back on track. Not sure of tonight. Only time will tell. In the meantime…….
I hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂
Good night everyone. Stay safe. Wear your masks when out and about and keep those hands cleaned. Have a great weekend. Hope to see all of you back here next week, same place, same time. Until then may all your dreams be pleasant.
Good Night everyone, Oodiebom thank you for hosting. Sheba and fbn135 great pics as always. So good to see everyone here, and having a fun conversation with all. Have a great weekend and a safe week.
A closing 200 tickets is a nice way to end the evening.
Thank you Oodie for hosting. Thank you, all faithful trivia players who joined us this evening.
I hope you all have a great, safe week ahead.
Good night Oodiebom and thank you for hosting. 😘✨😎
Goodnight Trivia Players see you all next week. Happy Fall. 😘
Got it Apples is the answer.
I thought I was seeing things LOL -
Sanibel, you will never know. However, telling HSN people that Trivia is a moot subject for most of us, just may help to put this house in order.
Thanks for keeping on top of that, Oodiebom, and for being such a wonderful all-around host. I may not always make it to Friday night trivia, but I will always try to check in. I am trying to convert from my desk top to a lap top and I finally got my Amazon fire tablet. I have not used a touch screen hardly, as I use my phone almost exclusively as a phone, with texting but not a lot of data usage. It’s just too small and I have a beautiful 23 inch Samsung monitor. So I am comfortable with a mouse, but not a laptop touchpad. Surely practice will help.
Just in case they post a question on TV again, I’m recording. Then I watch it in the xfinity app on my iPad. There I can screen print the question, like I did last week, and send it to them. So, there are no questions whether it happened. I just wish it would help.
Here is our favorite Cat. 😜✨😎
Very cool, how did you train your cat to do that. 😄🤩
Is this that wiley Chesire Cat? 🍄🐛
Yes it is is almost Halloween time so just warming up. 😎✨
I guess there’s no game again tonight! I wish they would just tell us that there will be no more trivia game on Friday instead of stringing us along!!
Good Evening Diablo. I’m not ready to give up on our game. I just think that the tech unit has no idea how do remedy the situation. At least there is a question even if it’s the same one hour after hour and Friday after Friday. Did you read last week’s post from Sanibel and the response from Angela? I think everyone is aware there seems to be a problem. I just think that the Unit has no idea on how to remedy the situation.
Hi to everyone! I’m doing well and I hope y’all are doing well also. Nice to see the lovely pictures and such. Happy belated anniversary to xango–wow, 35 is an accomplishment!
Hi RosaTowwen. You were missed last week.
Hello Rosatowwen, Thank you.. So good to see you here. What’s your weather like there now? I enjoyed being in Lake Tahoe and really liked the weather. We had a family reunion there 10 years ago.
Right now in Southern California, near the coast, we are getting some marine layer which happens in the fall, and sunny and sometimes hot days, 90’s in some areas near the desert. I thought yesterday that we had a cool fall day, which was weird because two days ago it was full on summer-hot. However, last night I learned that the cloudy, overcast sky was actually smoke coming from the Northern fires–and a new fire about 70 miles east of us. So many people are struggling still because of the fires, and now from Eastern Texas to the Atlantic and northward, people are being severely affected by tornadoes, hurricanes, and flooding–and it’s only September. My prayers are with them all.
Ooh, and thank you! I am just really enjoying the Halloween stuff that HSN sells and the presentations are fun. They have great decorations for sale at reasonable prices.
This is so cute.
Cinemates Jabbering Jack 3-Theme Animated Pumpkin with Songs and Jokes
752-133HSN TS
Love, love, love this! I can’t wait to see this technology be applied to Christmas decorations, maybe next year, like with a snowman.
I’ve never seen Adam in a red suit with monster wings.
Xango, I’m glad you enjoyed your weekend escape. It is amazing how fast communities can change. I’ve never been to Jacksonville, so it sounds inviting.
SanibelShelle, It is, it’s a huge area. We visited Fernandina Beach and went to Saint Augustine which is not far from Jacksonville. There’s lots of beaches, and some are inside parks, with a low entry price it is clean and well maintained.
xango, when husband retires, you can then make the deicision t o return or go elsewhere. Glad you two had some fun on your anniversary.
Oodiebom, We are looking into 55 plus communities. And we want to move closer to Orlando or an area that has lots of convenient access to shopping and restaurants. Right now we are looking around to see what we might like.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
64 Replies
09.25.21 11:29 PM
9 Participants