I hope you are ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Hi. I returned just in time to say goodnight and to have a great weekend and a wonderful week. The thunder and lightning show were profound. The lightning was never ending and the thunder sounded like it was right on top of us. We didn’t lose power, but I must admit I fell sound asleep. waiting for the storm to end. Now for some other news. The Great Homecoming Show in NYC will be televised tomorrow night beginning at 5pm on CNN. Please check your local listings to find the channel. I’m not sure if it will be televised on other networks.
Deblyn I am so sorry to hear the news of your son and grandson. I hope he has a good, strong attorney. He should also keep a log of each day of things that could be pertinent, especially with his son. This should also include the no visitation by his wife when their son was hospitalized. I also think the doctor’s report should be part of the hearing. If the doctor is willing to testify all the better. Sometimes, for no reason, the judge will side with the wife and that is why a strong lawyer is so necessary. Please keep us updated. Also real happy that all your tests came back negative. That’s reason enough to celebrate. Take care of yourself and stay safe.
OOdiebom, Sorry, I didn’t see your post last week. Thanks so very much for advice. We’re praying that son’s lawyer will be good. Seems to be so far. Son has noted every thing he hears or sees & gives it to lawyer, like the fact that that they stacked shelves with liquor & drink & smoke pot right in bedroom next to grandson while he’s still awake. He’s being exposed to 2nd hand smoke & she hated my husband because he smokes cigarettes. Girlfriend does too but that’s different now. In all his 9 yrs. we’ve never been allowed to take grandson out even once. Great point about Dr. testifying. I told my son about this & to ask Dr. if he would testify for him about not calling her son once in 8 days. They weren’t allowed to see him because of Covid, but she could have called him like we did. Thanks a million! Wonderful point. God bless you & keeping you & hubby & all others going thru so much in prayer.
Good night all trivia people. Hope you all make it the rough weather without any issues. We all need rain, so I hope it doesn’t cause any problems.
Thank you Oodiebom for hosting.
Good Night everyone, OODIEBOM thank you for hosting.
Sending prayers to those that needed. Be safe when you are out and about.
See you all next week. -
@oodiebom and all the Trivia Players please be safe during the storms.
Oodie thanks for being a great Host. I know you are having weather problems.
So be safe. ✨Saying prayers for all who need them and I hope to see everyone next week. ✨😎
The answer is 3
Answer now and you will have 250 tickets the answer is 3.
Good evening, everyone. Missed many weeks for a while but tried to enter post last week 4 times & it wouldn’t take. So glad to see hubby is doing better Oodie. Love the pics Sheba & FBN. You always bring a smile. MRI was negative for cancer in breast. Thanks for prayers. Please keep son & grandson in prayers. After 15 yrs. wife informed him she wants divorce & took a trip & brought back her lover to live with them. Grandson had meltdown day after her moving her girlfriend in & was hospitalized for 8 days. She never even called him during that time. He’s only 9. They had emergency court date to try to get the wife & girlfriend out of the house. Judge did not see this as an emergency as wife said she wasn’t going to leave the country with him & grandson doesn’t currently have a passport so rescheduled court for end of Sept. I can’t believe that since the house is in both their names, either one can bring anyone in to live with them whether the spouse likes it or not. There’s not a thing he can do about it except take her to court. If he leaves the house for even one night, she can lock him out. He had to sleep on an air mattress for 3 weeks ’til he finally got a bed for downstairs. He can’t sleep due to the stress & remains in hyper-vigilant state every minute. My son suffers from sever fibromyalgia & spinal stenosis (just like mom), in pain every minute of every day & now they’re checking him for disease that may have caused nerve damage. She never came out of bedroom for last 2 yrs. because of depression & anxiety & he took care of their son, cleaned house & worked full time; this was his reward. All of a sudden she’s been magically cured. Turned out she was on computer with girlfriend for the 2 yrs. Surprise! Please, we need prayers. We’re praying for all those being affected by fires, flooding, sickness, etc. Stay cool, healthy & have a great weekend.
Deb I have known you for a few years now. I know what all you have been through.
First congrats on your mammogram I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year
and I am doing great. ✨I will say a prayer for your family that is a lot to deal with. Please take care of yourself.
I hope things change for the better. Let us all know how you are doing when you have
time. I will be thinking of you. 😘🌹✨ -
Sheba, God bless you & thanks a million for prayers. You & your family have been in our prayers too for several years. It’s all that keeps me going some days. If only the rain would put those fires out. I can’t even image what that’s like to go thru.
Prayers for Washington State. My family are all in Colorado and they too are affected
by these fires. I thought you lived in California.So prayers for all affected by these fires and weather. ✨
Guess I will call it a night and listen to the rain….sweet dreams…zzzzzzzzzz
Now we have thunder-can’t remember the last time I heard it this year. So, hoping we’ll get more rain. 🤞🏻
I wonder where is Rosatowwen. And if OODIEBOM lost power.
We had a huge storm here this late afternoon. Lots of rain, thunder and lightning. Gave the grass and plants a real good drink. Then the sky opened up and the sun came out just before going down a bright orange ball.
Can you tell me what the fix is for still only seeing the question about Spring Training? I have tried deleting cookies, with no result
Sorry, there is no fix you can do. The fix needed is on the shoulders of the HSN IT department.
I just peeked outside and we only got enough rain to dampen the driveway. 😔
Farmers are having a bad year in the Midwest.
We just received a light rainfall as well. Not enough to fight the fires around us. More expected however lightening as well. Hoping for the best. However…the rain does smell good!
Good Evening everyone, this week sure went by fast. Its coming towards the end of August already.
Good evening Oodie will be so pleased to see you. I know I am. ✨ Do you want anything to drink?😎
Hello Sheba, yes please. I will take a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon, thank you.
Sheba, that’s a good year. Full body, lots of notes to dance on the palate and its delicious.
Great choice! 🍷
Here is something nice and cool for all who wants something cold OZ is hot tonight. ✨😜
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
63 Replies
08.27.21 8:14 PM
9 Participants