“I’m selling a broken marionette. There is no shipping fee, no taxes, or any extra cost. There are no strings attached.”
It’s nearing that 8:00 pm hour. Hmm.. it’s Friday night…… Time for Trivia
Hope you are all ready for some fun. For the newcomers, the questions can be found in the Rewards Store within the Arcade. Questions begin between 8 pm and 8:05 pm EST. depending upon your computer clock. There are six questions during the game. The last question is posted between 10:30 pm and 10:35 pm EST. Again, depending upon your computer clock. Each question lasts approximately 30 minutes, so you will need to come up with the correct response within that time frame. If you answer incorrectly, you will see a red “OOPS.” The incorrect response will not count against you unless the time is up. Each correct answer is worth 200 tickets to use in the Rewards Store against the Featured or Current Sweepstakes. So, before you tear your hair out, before you give up, just return to this thread where one or more of us will be able to help. Also, join us in light conversation, ideas or whatever and LET THE FUN BEGIN…. 🙂💖
Dear Odieboom and fellow arcade players,
I truly apologize for being off more then I wanted.
I received both of my vaccines shots and did well. That being said, I need surgery on my back. I just had major surgery past July and still trying to heal. The whole thing was actually funny, please hold you laughter for a while. My whole family and doctors cracked up! I have a fear of spiders and I minded my own business sitting in the bathroom and a big black spider jumped on my leg. Of course I screamed and heard a snap. One day later, I was stuck! Couldn’t move closing a drawer. My husband thought I was playing, nope, not this woman. Damaged several discs and one presses on a nerve.
Keep on playing and know, you are thought off!
Tenderly, luvsweets 💕-
Thank you Sheba2011, She loves sweets! Right now, she is holding back a little! This looks delicious.😂
Hi luvsweets. Please return when you can. At least read through everything. A good laugh now and then is good and healthy. That being said, you have not missed much as far as playing Trivia. If you are able to read all the posts for the past two months, we have had somewhat of a broken record in that the same question is repeated over and over and over again. Tonight I hope to add some info that may help our players. Meanwhile, take good care of yourself and stay safe.
Take me out to the ballgame……not! We have been playing baseball forever!🤣
Good night everyone, sweet dreams.
Sleep well my friend….
Sweet dreams to you also! Good night, see you next Friday!
Hi Velvet! Sweet Dreams to All Trivia Players. 😎💕
Good night Sheba. Thanks for helping and bringing great gifs and refreshments. The lemonade was delish. See ya soon.
There’s a song that goes “Let a smile be your umbrells, so smile.” I wish you all good dreams, a sunny weekend, and a beautiful week. A smile makes the world around you feel and look better. Keep smiling “the world will be a better place for it.” Good night everyone. Hope to see ya next week, same time, same place. Pleasant dreams. Good Night.
Good night everyone, please stay safe out there. Even if no Trivia it was still good taking to each other.
OODIEBOM thanks for hosting, and all that you do to keep us laughing.
Everyone have a wonderful weekend and a safe week.-
Good night and you stay safe also. See you next week!
Sheba, you are outdoing yourself this evening with your beautiful pictures!
I appreciate the lovely and fun contributions from fbn as well, and I hope you are doing ok.
We have some laughs here as well thanks to our lovely host, Oodiebom.
To all the lovely people who checked in here tonight, I hope you have a great weekend and week ahead –and some warmer weather. 🌞 ❤️-
Good night Rosa, sweet dreams and I hope we have some warmer weather soon!
Goodnight you are a great Hostess thank you for being here.
Goodnight to all the Trivia Players who come here every week. 😘😎💕
Good night Sheba. Have a great week and look forward to seeing you here next Friday!
Sheba, yes all is good here. I hope the same for you and your family. I just came back on and saw your post.
Gosh…so sad….altho I do not post often I really enjoy every ones comments. Maybe next week..sigh…good job odie! Nite nite.
Good Evening MzKatz. Maybe next week things may be different. Who knows. There is always a get together. No game, maybe conversation. Always good to find a reason to get together.
Good evening everyone! Hope everyone had a good week. Oodiebom, did you get your Covid shot?
Yes Gabbie, I did get the covid shot last week. We are both doing great. Only the muscle they used hurt a bit.
LOL! I asked you that question and then had problems with my computer. I had to do updates and came back online. I did not read any comments and posted again. Computers are wonderful tools but when they do weird things, you have to fix the problem! After the 1st shot, my arm was sore for one day but did not bother me the next.
Gabbie, I know the feeling with computers. Hubby and I had the Moderna. Our arm was sore for a day or two. The second one may be a different story. We shall see.
Good night Oodiebom, thanks for hosting this thread, I look forward to the trivia questions but just keeping in touch with all the players in here is fun! Have a great week!
OODIEBOM, I just showed your donkey story to my husban, we both laughed together. That’s a good one, as always.
Glad you enjoyed it. Always good to laugh.
Funny thing, “recaptcha” still works.
Good evening Myra. I had to do something to bring the smiles back. Just because we have no game doesn’t mean we can’t hang out. It’s a great evening, even without a game.
00DIEBOM, you’re a riot! That was SO funny!
It’s so nice to gather here even though HSN doesn’t care about us.
Good Evening everyone, I hope you all had a great week. And that your weekend goes even better.
Glad to see you are doing well after your Johnson and Johnson vaccine–and that you were lucky enough to get it before it was paused.
Good Evening Ladies. 😎💕
Hi Sheba, great pictures this evening!
I will really miss you if you were not here every week! Yes, you bring a smile every time I see your GIF’s!
Thank you I know we have a little time to enjoy each other’s company. I am so glad
you enjoy them. FBN135 is good too.Very cold in OZ tonight and my mom just told me it is really snowing Colorado.
Hello sheba, that’s a refreshing glass of lemonade, delicious.
Hi xango. I was a little worried during the week because you had the J&J. I see you are doing OK.
Hi Oodiebom, yes so far so good. Today Mark’s two weeks. How did your husband do?
He seems to be doing well. I also had the vaccine. Just didn’t say a word about not having an appointment.
That’s good, you shouldn’t have to wait for this long. They opened for just about everyone now.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
77 Replies
04.24.21 9:40 PM
17 Participants