Curtis Stone: Annoying
I find Curtis Stone annoying. I have to change the channel whenever he is on. And I do the same thing when his commercials come on. ANNOYING 😊
I don’t agree about Curtis but I change the channel when certain actresses are on over and over. I am not as big a fan of Curtis as I used to be, but I do like him. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I strongly disagree. Curtis is polite, humble, courteous, empathetic, knowledgeable and practices good kitchen hygiene.
Curtis Stone
dr_dan 1 min ago
Dura Pan Bakeware is awesome. I have a few pieces that we love, but this guy makes so much money from HSN and all the loyal customers what is up with the $5.50 shipping on each item. In this time of amazon, Walmart, and everybody else. I did not buy today because of the high shipping charge. Curtis probably does not care because he sold out of everything.
Change the channel, then. Geez. These boards are depressing. A few people always carping and complaining. I like Curtis Stone.
You missed the gist of my post. I find CS to be far from annoying.
what’s annoying about him? his accent? then chang the channel””. dont come on this board complaining about a venders accent , that’s wrong!. curtis stone is Australian. “” hes very polite, very well mannered, very grateful of us customers that many of us customers buy his cookware. he’s very passionate. Again” if you dont like his accent’ then watch another channel.
Yes I agree I find Curtis Stone really annoying. He makes this weird slurping noise and it’s very annoying plus he pushes his products too much. He will be airing his pan and he’s pushing his lid holder and his utensils. I’ve had enough. I am so over the annoying and pushy hosts and just outraged at the shipping and handling that I’ve paid over the years.I think 2020 will be HSN free.
Curtis Stone
dr_dan 1 min ago
Dura Pan Bakeware is awesome. I have a few pieces that we love, but this guy makes so much money from HSN and all the loyal customers what is up with the $5.50 shipping on each item. In this time of amazon, Walmart, and everybody else. I did not buy today because of the high shipping charge. Curtis probably does not care because he sold out of everything.
That is annoying. -
What’s annoying is Marlo Smith filling her mouth with shrimp, and talking, and shoving in more shrimp, and shewing and talking. Really? She does not stop. Whatever is being cooked, she has her mouth full of it, and keeps on talking. Makes me gag, and changes my mind on buying anything more from this show. I like Curtis Stone, and his products. I have many of them, and am quite happy with all of my purchases from his line. I can’t watch this woman talk with her mouth full of food, trying to sell these products.
I agree about the $5.50 shipping. 2 days ago it was free. They make up for it some way. I am fast becoming an Amazon and Walmart online shopper.
I agree, she looks like a cow when she eats so gross and then the umm, umm, umm! I love the cooking shows but I cannot watch her. It totally grosses me out. The same with Shannon S. Have to change the channel!!
I have only recently started watching the Curtis Stone presentations and I actually enjoy them quite a bit. I have bought several of his items, including the rolling trivet/drying rack and I’m very happy with them. i’ve got my eye on several pieces but will wait for a free shipping about
OMG! What isn’t to love about Curtis Stone! He’s the best thing going – his personality and his pans. I love watching his presentations – can you imagine the prep and timing involved to do hour after hour of fast pace cooking demos. He rocks and so does his crew!
Seriously how can you not like Curtis Stone. He is very passionate about his products which I so love. He cares about people and you can see/hear it. Anyone who complains about him making alot of money is just down right jealous because they don’t. For him to push his products on people-and he doesn’t he just doing what a good salesman would do by explaining what all you can do with it or what all he has. This is how you make money & Curtis is honest he is up n up straight forward telling it like it is the truth. By the way I love his accent and I will purchase 3ven more of his products so if you dont like the way he talks or sells don’t watch him & don’t belittle him. He is good in what he does as for the shipping that is all HSN doings & yes it’s a bit much. If you purchase many items it should be 1 set price not each product especially when its packed all in one box. Curtis keep up the amazing job,stay humble & keep making awesome cookware. God Bless you and keep you excited about the things you do. Can’t wait until you air again on HSN
Curtis Stone is invigorating, all his products are 5 star ratings, and his products are top of the line… I adore him. He makes you aware you can cook anything…
Wow. The OP and everyone else has a right to voice their opinion on here. Nobody has to change the channel either because you don’t agree with them. Nobody mentioned his accent was the reason either. Some don’t like the cook that people say doesn’t have good hygiene while cooking. Don’t remember his name. Your OPINIONS of something aren’t FACTS so maybe calm down?
Conversation Info
Posted in Kitchen & Food
17 Replies
01.19.20 1:28 AM
14 Participants