White Mulberry leaf vitamin order cancelled today
It was extremely disappointing today when I received a phone call that my 2 orders of the TSV white mulberry extract was cancelled. I have NEVER had a vitamin order cancelled by Andrew Lessman. I looked on the website to see if I could just order the product but you can not. There is only white mulberry leaf extract with cinnamon at DOUBLE the price. I don’t understand why Andrew would allow orders to go through if he couldn’t obtain the ingredients to make the products!!!!!!
diana818, you may want to go to his website directly. Procaps.
Hi Diana. You may want to try Andrew’s website. It is http://www.procaplaboratories.com When you enter the Mulberry Extracts, there are two showing. One is just the Mulberry Extract and the other is the Mulberry Extract with cinnamon. You can also call them. Their phone number is 1-800-800-1200. His employees are very knowledgeable. I do not think he ran out of the ingredients, it could be that it sold out. If you have the info in your Orders, make sure you give the people the info on what you paid and when. They may be able to right the wrong.
I forgot to mention that you can contact them from 6am-6pm (9am-9pm EDT ) Monday thru Sunday.
Andrew has White Mulberry leaf on it’s own at his website at procapslabs. The largest 360 ct is $109.90.
Andrew does not package or ship the items . HSN should keep a record of items that have run out . This is a HSN issue to keep up with their inventory level .
jus sayin
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Posted in Health & Wellness
6 Replies
08.01.24 1:19 PM
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