Signature club a
Did anyone try the pearl cream?
did you read the reviews on this, very mixed, stopped me from buying it.
Signature Club A has alot of parabens in them. I quit using Adrienne’s line a long time ago because of this. If it doesn’t bother you, keep on. Just wanted to mention it to you all.
I bought this pearl cream. My face was greasy and it looked awful. Do not recommend buying. Doesnt even get 1 star
What happened to the argon caps?
Curious too about why she no longer has argon products.
Wanted to try Sig Club A but way to many chemicals.Why do they put fragrance in products for the face? TY
I have used Signature Club A face and eye cream for decades with no adverse reactions. It is one of the only lines that I do use and my skin is in good shape for my age bracket.
I can’t use her line. Bright red cheeks from eye and body cream.
Conversation Info
Posted in Beauty
9 Replies
05.29.24 6:00 PM
9 Participants